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In the Community

This section provides information for Peace Region residents, Indigenous Nations, communities and property owners.

Generate Opportunities (GO) Fund

The Peace Region features a strong social network of non-profit community service providers that work collaboratively to deliver programs and services to those in need. As part of the Site C project, we're working with communities to provide lasting benefits for residents of the Peace Region.

In 2016, we launched the Generate Opportunities (GO) Fund to support Peace Region non-profit organizations. The GO Fund will be distributed to organizations that provide services to vulnerable populations including children, families, and seniors.

How to apply

The GO Fund is administered by Northern Development Initiative Trust on our behalf. Applications for funding are accepted on an ongoing basis and grants are distributed on a quarterly basis while funds remain.

To apply, visit the Northern Development Initiative Trust website.

Recent award recipients

To date, the GO Fund has distributed $850,081 to 97 projects. Below is a list of our recipients.

April 2024
BC Hydro’s GO Fund supports women and inclusion in the Peace Region
January 2024
BC Hydro's GO Fund supports food security and families in the Peace Region

Award recipients over the years

  • Chetwynd Social Planning Society
  • Fort St. John Literacy Society
  • Chetwynd Public Library Association for its Library on Location – Good Food and Community Program
  • Fort St. John Association for Community Living
  • Fort St. John Women's Resource Society
  • Hudson's Hope Public Library Association
  • North Peace Cultural Society for its Let's Art! Program
  • North Peace Seniors Mouth-Eye-Foot Care Foundation
  • Northern Environmental Action Team for its NOURISH program
  • Fort St. John and Area Senior's Care Foundation
  • Fort St. John and District Hospital Foundation
  • Fort St. John and District Palliative Care Society
  • North Peace Justice Society
  • The Josh Lequiere Society
  • Chetwynd Seniors Citizen Housing Society
  • Fort St. John and District Hospital Foundation
  • Fort St. John Public Library Association
  • Tansi Friendship Centre Society
  • Chetwynd Community Arts Council
  • Tansi Friendship Centre Society
  • Chetwynd Public Library
  • Fort St. John Literacy Society
  • Hudson's Hope Healthcare and Housing Society
  • Hudson's Hope Lions Club
  • North Peace Out of School Childcare Society
  • Northern Environment Action Team
  • CDC Society in Fort St. John
  • Fort St. John and District Palliative Care Society
  • Fort St. John Public Library Association
  • Fort St. John Women's Resource Society
  • Peace Arts Gallery Society