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We are constructing a conveyor belt system that will deliver excavated materials from the 85th Avenue Industrial Lands to the dam site.
To complete this work, we will build a culvert for the conveyor belt to cross under Old Fort Road, parallel to Shaman Industrial Way. To do this, we need to excavate the existing road surface, install the culvert and then repave the area.
Short detour on Old Fort Road until end of June
While we conduct this work, there will be a short, temporary detour in place, providing a single lane of traffic in each direction. The detour will be in place from approximately mid-May to the end of June. Please use caution when driving in this area and follow the direction of traffic control personnel.
Above: Location of culvert detour
What to expect
During conveyor belt construction, you may notice:
- Increased truck traffic along the conveyor belt corridor.
- Monitoring of noise and dust and mitigation efforts to reduce both.
- Fence installation along the conveyor corridor
- Temporary traffic management, such as advanced warning signs, reduced speed zones and traffic control personnel. Please obey signage and watch for workers when in the area.
- Work will take place in the conveyor corridor seven days a week, generally from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Conveyor construction completed Summer 2019
We expect to finish conveyor belt construction by the end of summer, with operations starting afterwards.
Above: Conveyor belt route
Thank you for your patience as we complete this work. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Learn more
Site C Project
Phone: 1 877 217 0777
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @sitecproject