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Site C and the Peace-Athabasca Delta

The Site C reservoir will be one of the most stable in the BC Hydro system with relatively little fluctuation in water levels during typical operations. Far downstream of the Site C project at the Peace-Athabasca Delta (PAD) – approximately 1,100 kilometres away – Site C will have no measurable effect.

Latest Information

Second generating unit in-service at Site C
The second generating unit on the Site C project has come into operation and is providing power into BC Hydro’s electricity system.
BC Hydro’s GO Fund supports families, seniors and youths
BC Hydro is contributing nearly $45,000 to support six local non-profit groups through the Site C project’s Generate Opportunities (GO) Fund.
BC Hydro completes filling the Site C reservoir
Reservoir filling for the Site C project has been safely completed after 11 weeks, with the water level at the dam site increasing by about 43 metres.