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This weekend, BC Hydro will start building chain-up areas for vehicles entering and leaving the Site C project.
Located on Old Fort Road just north of Gate B, the pullouts will ensure vehicles are prepared for winter conditions, while reducing wear and tear on local roads.
We are building these areas in response to community feedback about the need for a safe area for vehicles to put on chains before approaching the hill on Old Fort Road.

Construction will last approximately two months. It will involve:
- Moving equipment to site
- Clearing vegetation from the area
- Relocating utility poles
- Grading and paving
While construction is underway, residents can expect:
- Work hours from 7 am to 6 pm, Monday to Saturday
- Reduced speed of 30 km/hr in work zones
- Periods of single lane alternating traffic
- Traffic personnel and signage
- Increased noise and dust from equipment
We'd like to thank residents for their patience as we complete this work safely and on schedule.
Contact us
Toll-free: 1-877-217-0777
Twitter: @sitecproject